My Weight Loss Journey Blog

This journey is not just about losing weight, but about reclaiming my health, improving my mobility, and finding a renewed sense of self. I’ve faced many challenges in my lifie, but this journey is one of the most personal and transformative.

This blog will serve as a personal journey where I’ll share my progress, struggles, triumphs, and everything in between. I hope that by sharing my story, I can inspire others who may be facing similar challenges. Here, you’ll find honest accounts of my daily experiences, insights into my diet and exercise routines, and reflections on the physical and emotional apsects of this joruney.

This is as real as it gets.

Weight Loss Journey Update: 28 Pounds Down!
Patrick Bass Patrick Bass

Weight Loss Journey Update: 28 Pounds Down!

Today marks an important milestone in my weight loss journey—I've officially lost 28 pounds in just over a month! My goal for the week was to hit 479 pounds, and while I came very close, I’m incredibly happy with my progress. These daily victories are not just strengthening my body; they’re also fortifying my resolve to keep pushing forward.

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The Battle for 483: A Victory in Progress
Patrick Bass Patrick Bass

The Battle for 483: A Victory in Progress

Today, I’m excited to share an update on my weight loss journey—22 pounds down since July 29th! It's incredible to see the progress I've made in just under a month, and it’s fueling my motivation to keep pushing forward.

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Staying the Course—Celebrating Progress and Looking Ahead

Staying the Course—Celebrating Progress and Looking Ahead

Today, I’m excited to share an update on my weight loss journey—22 pounds down since July 29th! It's incredible to see the progress I've made in just under a month, and it’s fueling my motivation to keep pushing forward.

I won’t sugarcoat it, though—these last few days have been a bit of a challenge. I’ve been dealing with some physical ups and downs, like a lot of heartburn that thankfully, Pepcid has helped with. I’ve also felt weaker and more tired than usual, which has been tough to manage. But even on those harder days, my motivation hasn’t wavered.

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Navigating Ups and Downs: Progress, Challenges, and the Road Ahead

Navigating Ups and Downs: Progress, Challenges, and the Road Ahead

Today, I hit a milestone by doing 7 minutes of calisthenics with my wife, a big step forward in my journey. However, recent struggles with depression have made things challenging, possibly linked to an increased dose of Wegovy. I'm also preparing for weight loss surgery in the coming weeks. Despite these hurdles, my support system, especially my connection with the Hotties group and my strong relationship with my wife, keeps me going. I'm reaching out to others who have had similar experiences with weight loss, surgery, or medications like Wegovy—let's connect and share our stories. Click to read more.

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Day 8: Progress Despite Challenges
Patrick Bass Patrick Bass

Day 8: Progress Despite Challenges

Despite recovering from root canals and dealing with an infection, I've made significant strides in my weight loss journey! Discover how cutting out snacking, enjoying a guilt-free meal, and making healthier choices have led to a 13-pound loss in just one week. Plus, there's exciting news on the horizon that I can't wait to share. Join me on this journey of progress, perseverance, and positive change!

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Day 5: Navigating Challenges and Finding Hope
Patrick Bass Patrick Bass

Day 5: Navigating Challenges and Finding Hope

The past few days have been incredibly challenging, filled with intense dental pain and a relentless headache. Despite these setbacks, I've managed to keep moving forward and even received some amazing news that I can't wait to share! Curious about how I've been coping and what's next on my journey? Click to read the full post and join me as I navigate these ups and downs with resilience and hope.

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Day 3: Honesty and Resilience
Patrick Bass Patrick Bass

Day 3: Honesty and Resilience

Today's update brings a mix of realism and resilience. After experiencing a dramatic drop in weight over the past two days, today's weight is up to 500 lbs. As some of you correctly guessed, the rapid weight loss was due to temporary water weight. This journey is about honesty and keeping it real, so the numbers are the numbers. I'm still down from my starting weight, and that's something to celebrate!

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Staying on Track with Daily Weigh-Ins: My Personal Strategy for Weight Loss Success
Patrick Bass Patrick Bass

Staying on Track with Daily Weigh-Ins: My Personal Strategy for Weight Loss Success

When it comes to staying on track with my weight loss journey, I've found that daily weigh-ins are vital. For me, it's all about "out of sight, out of mind." If I don't check in with the scale every day, I lose focus. I've tried other methods in the past, but they just didn't work for me. So, I decided to dive into the research to see how my daily weighing strategy stacks up against other methods….

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Day 2: Early Progress
Patrick Bass Patrick Bass

Day 2: Early Progress

I know what people will say: 15 pounds in just a couple of days? It's just water weight. So what. It's 15 pounds I'm not carrying around anymore. Some of it may be "just water weight," but some of it is also fat. Being a big dude means I'll have big losses up front….

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A lot of thoughts as I being this joruney…
Patrick Bass Patrick Bass

A lot of thoughts as I being this joruney…

I’m not sure how many people will be interested in this journey, but my reasons for making it public are largely personal. I need the accountability, and if I truly have ADHD, keeping this journey interesting is key to my long-term success.

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Day 1: The Walk of a Thousand Miles…

Day 1: The Walk of a Thousand Miles…

Today marks the beginning of my journey, and I'm still figuring out the best way to document everything. This will be a work in progress, but I am committed to sharing my experiences openly and honestly. Yesterday, during a doctor's visit, I was weighed: 508 pounds. My initial goal is to reach 275 pounds, though I may adjust that target as I progress. It's all about taking it one day at a time.

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Day 0: The beginning
Patrick Bass Patrick Bass

Day 0: The beginning

Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Weighing in at 508 pounds, I've made the decision to take control of my health and embark on a journey towards a healthier, more active lifestyle. This isn't just about losing weight; it's about gaining a new perspective on life and overcoming the obstacles that have held me back.

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