The Battle for 483: A Victory in Progress

Starting Weight (7/29): 508 lbs
Today’s Weight: 483 lbs
Goal Weight: 250 lbs
Pounds Lost: 25 lbs
Pounds to Goal: 233 lbs

I’m finally out of that frustrating 484-pound holding pattern and down to 483! These past few days have been a mix of stress and self-reflection, and I want to share some insights from this journey with you.

First off, I won't make excuses. I slipped up. I didn’t fall off the truck entirely, but I did indulge in a couple of unhealthy meals back-to-back. The reason? Stress. Real stress. My wife, Traci, had knee surgery on Tuesday. It was supposed to be a simple procedure, but post-op was rough—really rough. Her pulse-ox levels dropped to 74 several times, and as a former paramedic, I knew just how dangerous that was. The nursing staff’s lax attitude didn’t help, and I was scared. Really scared.

In those moments, I reverted to old habits, ones I’ve been working hard to break. But then something extraordinary happened. I remembered why I’m doing this in the first place. I’ve always said I’d die for Traci, but this journey isn’t about dying for her—it’s about living for her. Am I man enough to do that? Hell yes, I am.

With the support of my wife, my God, and all of you—the Hotties—I pulled myself back from the brink. I didn’t go on a binge. I didn’t let the stress win. Instead, I got back on track, and today, I’m seeing the results.

I’ve learned a few valuable lessons along the way:

  1. If you screw up, admit it. Own your mistakes, take your lumps, and move on.

  2. Ask for help when you need it. We’re in this together, and it’s okay to lean on others.

  3. Don’t dismantle your accountability systems. Remember, you put them in place for moments just like this.

  4. Temporary setbacks aren’t permanent failures. They’re just that—temporary.

So, that’s where I am today. A little wiser, a little lighter, and a lot more determined. Let’s keep moving forward, Hotties. Stay strong, keep it sweaty, and never forget why you started this journey.

#WeightLossJourney #StayStrong #ProgressNotPerfection #LivingForLove #BackOnTrack


Weight Loss Journey Update: 28 Pounds Down!


Staying the Course—Celebrating Progress and Looking Ahead