What people are saying.

  • Thank you so much for having me on the show! It was wonderful to have a conversation with you.

    -Shafer Steron

  • LOVED being a guest on your show!!

    -Nika Kabiri, JD PhD

  • Looking forward to diving into this episode, Patrick. Always great insights on The Patrick Bass Show.

    -VentCube Ltd

  • Inspirational story, relatable perspectives. Authentic living takes courage.

    -Wolf Krammel

  • I got turned onto your podcast and I LOVE what you’re doing. The truth, insight, and authenticity really speaks to my heart. I especially loved your most recent episode about secrets to successful writing.

    -Craig Richard

  • Patrick was an amazing conversationalist & really helped me feel comfortable and he asked engaging questions. It was great!

    -Shane Thrapp

  • He is an amazing host, and I truly enjoyed the experience :)

    -Dr. Nicole Bradford

  • A class act all the way.

    -Rick DellaRatta

  • Partick is amazing. It was a real pleasure being on his show with his insightful questions and interactions.

    -Farzin Mazinani

  • Great!

    -Jim Marshall