My Weight Loss Journey

A Personal Note

Welcome to My Weight Loss Journey. This section of my website is deeply personal and holds a significant place in my heart. I've decided to share my journey from just over 500 pounds to my initial goal weight of 250 (originally set a goal of 275, but I’ve lowered it) pounds, and I want to explain why I'm doing this.

For many years, I have struggled with my weight. It has impacted my health, mobility, and overall quality of life. The physical burden of carrying this much weight has been challenging, but the emotional and psychological toll has been even greater. I have felt a profound sense of shame and embarrassment about my condition. Admitting this publicly is not easy, but I believe that vulnerability is a crucial step towards healing and transformation.

I'm not doing this to get views or likes. This isn't a publicity stunt. These are the acts of a man who has become unwilling to live even one more day in his present condition. I am taking ownership of my situation and facing the challenge and responsibility of correcting the issue head-on. I suspect I will face ridicule and, in truth, I fear that there is a segment of society that is cruel and will mock me for doing so. Nevertheless, I hope that my vulnerability serves to inspire others, and together we can face the greatest challenges of our lives.


I started and "The Patrick Bass Show" to face the issues of real life and offer real talk and solutions. For me, authenticity is everything, and I'm laying it all on the line here, holding myself accountable to the world. Most importantly, I'm doing this for me and for my wife, Traci, whom I love with all my heart.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. Your support means more than words can express. Together, we can achieve great things.

Stay tuned for regular updates, reflections, and insights as I navigate this transformative journey.

My Weight Loss Journey Blog

Welcome to the heart of "My Weight Loss Journey." Here, I will share my story, providing a detailed background about my weight loss journey, including my motivations and the challenges I face.

This is where you will find information on my diet plan, including recipes, meal prep tips, and nutritional advice. I will also provide details about my exercise regimen, including the types of workouts I do, my schedules, and progress updates.

As I reach significant milestones along my journey, such as weight loss goals, improved health metrics, and personal victories, I will share these achievements with you. Additionally, I will reflect on the psychological and emotional aspects of my journey, including dealing with shame, vulnerability, and building resilience.

You will also learn about the people who support me, including my wife Traci, friends, family, and the professional help I receive. For those on a similar journey, I will offer resources such as recommended reading, websites, tools, and apps.

There will be a section for visitors to leave comments, share their own stories, and provide encouragement and support if you feel so inclined. This platform serves as my method of staying accountable and keeping it real. Join me as I navigate this transformative journey. Together, we can face the greatest challenges of our lives.

By the Numbers

I’m driven by data. While I understand that I am more than just numbers, I also recognize the importance of having metrics to measure progress. Sharing these measurements and weights helps keep me accountable and provides a clear picture of my journey. This transparency not only motivates me but also demonstrates the tangible progress I'm making.

Pounds Lost

Inches Lost (Waist)

Inches Lost (Upper Arm)

Blood Pressure

Inches Lost (Chest)

Inches Lost (Neck)

Inches Lost (Thigh)