Staying the Course—Celebrating Progress and Looking Ahead

Starting Weight (7/29): 508 lbs
Current Weight (8/24): 486 lbs
Goal Weight: 275 lbs
Total Pounds Lost: 22 lbs
Pounds to Goal: 211 lbs

Today, I’m excited to share an update on my weight loss journey—22 pounds down since July 29th! It's incredible to see the progress I've made in just under a month, and it’s fueling my motivation to keep pushing forward.

I won’t sugarcoat it, though—these last few days have been a bit of a challenge. I’ve been dealing with some physical ups and downs, like a lot of heartburn that thankfully, Pepcid has helped with. I’ve also felt weaker and more tired than usual, which has been tough to manage. But even on those harder days, my motivation hasn’t wavered.

What keeps me going is reflecting on how far I’ve already come. There’s something incredibly powerful about looking back at your success and realizing that the effort is paying off. And when doubt starts to creep in, I shift my focus to the future. I think about all the things I want to do and experience, especially with my wife, Traci. Those future moments are my driving force, reminding me why I started this journey in the first place.

It’s not always easy, but I’m committed to staying the course. Every pound lost brings me closer to my goal weight of 275 lbs. That’s still 211 pounds to go, but I’m confident that with determination and the support of my loved ones, I’ll get there.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned so far, it’s that success isn’t just about the number on the scale—it’s about the mindset you cultivate along the way. I’m excited about the progress I’ve made and even more excited about what’s ahead. Here’s to continuing this journey, one step at a time!


The Battle for 483: A Victory in Progress


Navigating Ups and Downs: Progress, Challenges, and the Road Ahead