Navigating Ups and Downs: Progress, Challenges, and the Road Ahead

Weight Loss Journey Update

📅 Date: August 20
🔢 Starting Weight (July 29): 508 lbs
⚖️ Current Weight: 489 lbs
💪 Total Pounds Lost: 19 lbs

Small Wins, Big Impact

Today was a milestone! I managed to do about 7 minutes of calisthenics with my wife, Traci. While she kept going longer, those 7 minutes were a victory for me—especially since it's been a long time since I've been able to move like that. It felt good to be active, even for just a bit.

Navigating the Emotional Ups and Downs

Lately, I've been feeling pretty down, and it's been tough to pinpoint why. I suspect it might be related to my recent increase in Wegovy dosage. My mood changed around the same time the dose was doubled, and it's been hard to shake this depression even though there’s nothing specific triggering it. Knowing this helps me rationalize the intense emotions, but it's still a struggle. Today, I’m feeling a bit better, so I'm trying to hold onto that and push through.

Looking Ahead: Weight Loss Surgery

The next big step in my journey is weight loss surgery, which is scheduled to happen in the next few weeks. I’m still waiting on an exact date, but I have to meet with a psychotherapist first for insurance purposes. It's a bit nerve-wracking, but I’m hopeful that this will be a major turning point.

Gratitude and Support

I want to thank everyone for their support, especially my wife, Traci. Our marriage is stronger than ever, and we’re both looking forward to the days when we can be more active together—taking walks, bike rides, and even traveling. My connection with the Hotties group has also been a lifeline. Their support and encouragement have kept me grounded, and I’m starting to feel like I’m really making connections there.

I apologize for not posting recently. I’ve been going through some personal struggles that I’m not ready to share just yet. But I’m here, and I’m still committed to this journey.

Reaching Out for Connection

If anyone out there has lost a lot of weight, had weight loss surgery (WLS), or used medications like Wegovy, I’d love to connect and hear your stories. Your experiences could really help as I navigate this path.


Staying the Course—Celebrating Progress and Looking Ahead


Day 8: Progress Despite Challenges