Day 1: The Walk of a Thousand Miles…

Today marks the beginning of my journey, and I'm still figuring out the best way to document everything. This will be a work in progress, but I am committed to sharing my experiences openly and honestly. Yesterday, during a doctor's visit, I was weighed: 508 pounds. My initial goal is to reach 275 pounds, though I may adjust that target as I progress. It's all about taking it one day at a time.

I’m grateful that my medical insurance covered Wegovy. Some might view it as a crutch, but I see it as a necessary tool in my arsenal. At this point, I need every advantage I can get. Later today, I plan to take my initial measurements and a photo. Admittedly, I'm very hesitant to post the photo publicly, but in the spirit of authenticity, I will probably end up sharing it.

I'm hopeful that others on a similar journey will connect with me here. Together, we can provide support and encouragement to one another.

Yesterday, on my podcast, I had the unexpected pleasure of meeting Fitz Koehler. The episode wasn’t planned; it just happened spontaneously. We discussed many topics, and I eventually asked her about her weight loss programs. Fitz took a genuine interest in my journey and graciously offered to return to the show for monthly accountability check-ins. She also offered regular support and encouragement via text. I was flabbergasted and deeply humbled by her offer. To have someone with no vested interest in my health or well-being take such an active role in my journey is incredibly motivating. I’m excited to have her in my corner as a fitness expert.

This is just the beginning, and I am eager to see where this journey takes me. Thank you for joining me on this path. Your support means more than words can express.


A lot of thoughts as I being this joruney…


Day 0: The beginning