Day 2: Early Progress

Weight Loss Tracker:
Starting weight: 7/29 - 508
Current weight: 7/31 - 493
Goal weight: 275
Pounds Lost: 15
Pounds to goal: 218

Yesterday, I had two root canals done and two temporary crowns put on. The dental chair was my home for most of the day. This morning, my gums are still sore, though most of the swelling has gone down.

For my meals, I had a ham sandwich, some mashed potatoes, pinto beans, and a bit of shredded cheese. My beverage choices included one coffee and several bottles of water. Although it wasn't a perfect day, my caloric intake was much lower than my pre-diet days. Early success with weight loss is motivating, even on challenging days like this.

I know what people will say: 15 pounds in just a couple of days? It's just water weight. So what. It's 15 pounds I'm not carrying around anymore. Some of it may be "just water weight," but some of it is also fat. Being a big dude means I'll have big losses up front.

Feeling hopeful and ready to take on the next day!


Staying on Track with Daily Weigh-Ins: My Personal Strategy for Weight Loss Success


A lot of thoughts as I being this joruney…