Day 5: Navigating Challenges and Finding Hope

Date: August 1, 2024
Starting Weight: 508 lbs
Current Weight: 497 lbs
Goal Weight: 250 lbs
Pounds Lost: 11 lbs
Pounds to Goal: 247 lbs

Hey everyone,

I apologize for not posting yesterday. It was a day filled with a lot of pain. The dentist said I probably have an abscess forming. My upper jaw radiates pain into my sinuses, the entire right side of my face, and on top of that, a throbbing headache that prevented good sleep two nights in a row. It was a challenge yesterday to complete my day job and produce an episode of the Patrick Bass Show. I'm on 500mg of Amoxicillin, and a cocktail of Tylenol and Aleve. Today, the pain is subsiding. The entire inside of my mouth on the upper right side is bruised and swollen, I'm sure the blood thinner I'm taking exacerbated that problem.

Over the last two days, my diet has not been great. It's been more about survival and less about eating correctly. A lot of soft foods. Since I'm feeling better today, I'll be able to eat much better, plus I plan on trying to do some exercise today. Not sure if you are tracking the weather in Fort Smith but we've been right at 100 for the last few days with heat index around 113. Doing any serious exercise outside is not reasonable. I have ordered some dumbbells and will start to integrate some Tai Chi into my regimen today.

Honestly, the last three days have been really rough and I've just been trying to tread water. I think things are looking up today and despite all the challenges of the last few days, I got some extremely good news yesterday that I can't release publicly just yet. I promise to share it as soon as I'm able, but just know, this is some really great news for me and my family.

Reflecting on the Journey

The past few days have been challenging, but they’ve also been a reminder of the importance of resilience. Here’s how I’ve been coping:

  1. Acknowledging Pain: Recognizing and accepting that I’m in pain has been crucial. It’s okay to have tough days.

  2. Survival Mode: Sometimes, it’s about getting through the day. Eating soft foods and prioritizing rest were necessary.

  3. Looking Forward: Knowing that today I can eat better and start exercising again is a positive step.

  4. Good News: Having something positive to look forward to has been a beacon of hope.

Staying Motivated

Here are a few strategies I’m using to stay motivated:

  1. Adaptability: Adjusting my plans to fit my current situation, like switching to Tai Chi and using dumbbells indoors due to the extreme heat.

  2. Self-Compassion: Being kind to myself during tough times and recognizing my efforts to keep going.

  3. Focus on Progress: Even with setbacks, I’m still down from my starting weight.

  4. Anticipation: Holding onto the excitement of the good news I received, which adds a layer of motivation.

Looking Forward

I’m excited to start integrating Tai Chi and dumbbell exercises into my routine. Tai Chi will help with gentle movement and stress relief, while the dumbbells will aid in building strength. Despite the heat, I’m committed to finding ways to stay active indoors.

Thank you all for your continued support. Let's keep moving forward, one day at a time.

Stay strong and stay hopeful!

Join the Conversation!

Have you ever had to manage pain while staying on track with your weight loss goals? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below! Your insights could be the encouragement someone else needs today. Plus, if you have any advice on incorporating Tai Chi or indoor workouts into a routine, I'd love to hear it. Let's support each other on this journey!

Feel free to share your thoughts or any tips you might have for dealing with dental pain while on a weight loss journey. Your insights are always appreciated!


Day 8: Progress Despite Challenges


Day 3: Honesty and Resilience